As a strong partner for trade and industry, we offer you numerous channels for easy and quick ordering. Order according to your preferences in your desired sales channel.
Shop across devices and anywhere at any time. No problem with FÖRCH. With our digital solutions, we not only simplify your purchasing process - we leave you time for the essentials.
We have the right solution for optimal order in everyday workshop and construction site work. Our VARO system components can be individually adapted to your needs. For more efficiency and economy in your everyday life.
Do you have questions or need help about our products, services or applications? From the application video to the technical data sheet, we provide you with all the information you need in everyday trades.
Our roots lie in the automotive trade. And still our strength: As an innovative partner, we supply you with high-performance quality products and are happy to support you at any time with our modern services and service tools.
Metal processing in the best hands and quality products for professionals. Whether sanitary, heating, air conditioning or electrical installation: We are sure to have the right solution for your use in the metal and building services sector.
Regionally rooted and internationally successful: With 24 national companies in Europe and more than 100,000 items for workshop assembly and fastening, FÖRCH is one of the leading suppliers of products for trade and industry.
As a family business with a future, we focus on people. We live this promise of values and offer exciting projects and varied tasks. Get started now with FÖRCH.
Product innovations, craft festivals and special sales – with FÖRCH you will always be the first to hear about news specific to your industry. In our news and event area you always have an overview of all dates and news.
Questions, suggestions, requests for FÖRCH? We always have an open ear for your concerns. Use our contact form to contact us quickly and easily. Our experts will get back to you promptly.
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